Monday, September 30, 2019

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Dialectical Journal Essay

Historical Context: First published in England in December 1884 and in the United States in February 1885. Naturalism (c. 1865-1900) A literary movement that used detailed realism to suggest that social conditions, heredity, and environment had unavoidable force in shaping human character. Protagonist: Huckleberry Finn was young boy in the late nineteenth century coming of age. He viewed is surroundings practically and logically without judgments. His socially simple-minded self gives the novel a satirical humor. Antagonist: The rules and laws of Society in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn makes Huck think it’s ways of life are the right way and when he doesn’t follow them he is doing wrong. By doing so Huck declares himself a traitor and villain, and says if this is wrong then I will go to hell for it because I think it is right. Huck follows his conscience and what he thinks is right by lying, cheating, and stealing throughout the novel. Plot Summary: Huck Finn has been adopted by the Widow Douglas, who lives with her sister, Miss Watson. Both of the women try to â€Å"sivilize† him by sending him to church and school and teaching him cleanliness and manners. Huck’s drunken father Pap returns to town demanding Huck’s money. Judge Thatcher and the Widow try to get legal custody of Huck. Pap kidnaps Huck and keeps him in a cabin across the Mississippi River form St. Petersburg, Missouri. When Pap leaves the cabin he locks Huck in and beats him when he returns drunk. Huck escapes Pap and the cabin by faking his own death. He hides on Jackson’s Island in the middle of the Mississippi River. Huck runs into Jim, Miss Watson’s slave in the woods and they stay together. Huck and Jim find a raft and house floating down the river. A dead body is in the house but Jim refuses to let Huck see the man’s face. They start downriver in the raft and run into con artist, slave capturers, and many other situations. Jim is sold, Tom and Huck try to get him back, and Huck finds out Pap is dead. Huck decides to go West. Themes Racism and Slavery Conflict between civilization and â€Å"natural life† Symbols The Mississippi River in the novel represents freedom because as Huck and Jim travel alone on their raft, they have no one to answer to but each other. The river can also symbolize the delights and dangers of life because Huck and Jim also encounter evils from people of the towns along the river. The fog as Huck and Jim travel along the Mississippi represent the complex problems that make it difficult to achieve life’s goals. Motifs Childhood: Huck’s childhood excuses him from some of his actions throughout the novel. In some cases he tends to know right from wrong more than the adults in the novel do even though he lacks the guidance that a family and community should have provided. Lies and Cons: Throughout the novel Huck lies and cons many people. He soon realizes that lying can be good, depending on its purpose. Huck also realizes that some things he has learned contradict what is right. Superstitions and Folk Beliefs: Jim tells Huck many superstitions and folktales. At first they seem crazy but end up having some basis of reality. Jim’s superstitions serve as a different view of social teachings and assumptions that provide a reminder that mainstream is not always right. Point of View: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is in first person as Huck narrates the novel. Structure: The plot of the story flows around bends, through darkness and fog, and into bright sunlight just like the Mississippi River itself. The novel is full of surprises and stories that brings the character’s values to light for the reader. â€Å"The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me; but it was rough living in the house all the time, considering how dismal regular and decent the widow was in all her ways; and so when I couldn’t stand it no longer I lit out. I got into my old rags and my sugar-hogshead again, and was free and satisfied. But Tom Sawyer he hunted me up and said he was going to start a band of robbers, and I might join if I would go back to the widow and be respectable. So I went back. † (Twain 5)| In this quote from the first page of the book Huck describes what has happened since The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He introduces his opposition of the Widow Douglas â€Å"sivilizing† him. He is a young boy who wants his freedom, which may seem normal for a boy his age, but we soon realize this opposition is based on observations of the society in which he lives. This quote is important because it gives you the basis for Huck’s reason of wanting his freedom and why he wants to leave and be on his own. It also shows why Huck lies throughout the novel. Huck doesn’t agree with the ideas that society views as â€Å"right†, which causes him to decide whether to do the â€Å"wrong† things when he listens to what his conscience says, or do society’s â€Å"right† things. This is important because it influences his decisions he makes on his adventures as he travels down the Mississippi River and encounters many people of the towns along the river banks. This quote is important for the reader because it gives us background information before the story begins to understand what has and is occurring. It also gives the reader insight to Huck’s attitude towards his life and society. | â€Å"Pap he hadn’t been seen for more than a year, and that was comfortable for me; I didn’t want to see him no more. He used to always whale me when he was sober and could get his hands on me; though I used to take to the woods most of the time when he was around. †(Twain 14)â€Å"I borrowed three dollars form Judge Thatcher, and Pap took it and got drunk and went-a-blowing around and cussing and whooping and carrying on† (Twain 23)| This quote shows that Huck’s father would leave town for long periods of time often and he was used to it. He used to beat Huck, when he would come home. Huck didn’t like his father and was fine with not seeing him. He would go in the woods when Pap came to town to stay away from him to refrain from the beatings. This explains why the Widow Doulgas adopted Huck because he needed someone to care for him and teach him the â€Å"right† as he grows into a young man. This helps the reader understands why Huck acts the way he does when his father later appears back in town. Huck gives his father money to get him to go away and go get drunk like he always does. Huck also could not want his father around because his actions are very embarrassing. I would be embarrassed if my parents were alcoholics and went around town causing trouble and being obnoxious. I think Pap’s â€Å"blowing around and cussing and whooping and carrying on† is annoying because he does this when he comes to town and gets drunk. â€Å"When we was ready to shove off we was a quarter of a mile below the island, and it was pretty broad day; so I made Jim lay down in the canoe and cover up with a quilt, because if he set up people could tell he was a nigger a good ways off. † (Twain 49)| In this quote I realize Huck does see a big difference between his white skin and Jim’s black skin by making him lay down in the canoe so he won’t be seen from far off. I didn’t understand how people would be able to tell the difference between Huck and Jim’s skin color far off. I also don’t understand if Huck didn’t agree with slavery and racism why he would care if the people saw Jim with him in the raft. Maybe Huck hid Jim because he didn’t want anyone to know they were on the island? I don’t think Jim would’ve been seen from far away. If Huck was so worried about him being seen then they shouldn’t be traveling in the daylight. | â€Å"I hadn’t had a bite to eat since yesterday, so Jim he got out some corn-dodgers and buttermilk, and pork and cabbage and greens-there ain’t nothing in the world so good when it’s cooked right-and whilst I eat my supper we talked and had a good time†¦. We said there warn’t no home like a raft, after all. Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don’t. You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft. (Twain 107)| I noticed Huck and Jim actually like being in the raft on the river. The raft symbolizes the freedom they both want. On the raft, they are able to be themselves and not worry about others judging them or telling them what to do. They say everywhere else they’ve been â€Å"seems so cramped and smothery†. I think they feel this way because everywhere else they have to conform to society. For example when the Widow Douglas made Huck wear nice clothes and go to school and church because everyone else did it and society thought that was the â€Å"rig ht† way. Also, Jim was a slave to Miss Watson and had to follow her orders because he was black and that’s what he was expected to do. Huck and Jim’s relationship is interesting to me now because they both agree that the raft is home and society would never let this occur if they knew about it. I think the freedom of the raft added to the enjoyment of their simple dinner of cornbread and greens. â€Å"It didn’t take me long, though, to make up my mind that these liars warn’t no kings nor dukes at all, but just low-down humbugs and frauds. But never said nothing, never let on; it’s the best way; then you don’t have no quarrels, and don’t get into no trouble. If they wanted us to call them kings and dukes, I had no objections, long as it would keep peace in the family; and it warn’t no use to tell Jim so I didn’t tell him. If I had never learnt nothing else out of pap, I learnt that the best wat to get along with this kind of people is to let them have their own  way† (Twain 115). I noticed that Huck is beginning to learn how to stay out of trouble. He also shows he wants to stay out of trouble. He doesn’t say something to the cons because Jim told him not to, its because he is realizing the ways of society. I think he figures I’ve already faked my death and I have a black with me causing a fight with them could get him and him caught and sent back to St. Petersburg. They don’t want to go back to St. Petersburg because they have no freedom there like they have on the raft. I really like that Huck didn’t say anything because it demonstrates that since he has left St. Petersburg and been living on his own with Jim he has matured. When Huck makes the decision to keep his mouth closed about the con artist not being dukes, I think he thought about the well-being of Jim and how causing a fight with them could make Jim a slave again. I noticed Huck recognizes by saying he taught him to let con artist of people get their way. I thought this was ironic of him to give his father the recognition of actually teaching him something when he was always drunk and beating him. | â€Å"I was a trembling, because I’d got to decide, forever, betwixt two things, and I knowed it. I studied a minute, sort of holding my breath, and then says to myself: â€Å"All right, then, I’ll go to hell†-and tore it up. It was awful thoughts, and awful words, but they was said. And I let them stay said; and never thought no more about reforming. I shoved the whole thing out my head; and said I would take up wickedness again, which was in my line, being brung up to it, and the other warn’t. And for a starter, I would go to work and steal Jim out of slavery again; and if I could think up anything worse, I would do that, too; because as long as I was in, and in for good, I might as well go the whole hog. †(Twain 195)| Huck decides he is going to do the â€Å"wrong† thin g and free Jim from slavery again. Huck says again, because he thinks not turning Jim back in when he first found him in the woods was freeing him from slavery. Id don’t think Huck freed Jim form slavery. Jim escaped Miss Watson, on his own, Huck just so happened to find him in the woods an didn’t turn him in. Back then Huck didn’t think it was right for Jim to be a slave and he still doesn’t agree with it. Since society has taught Huck that slavery is the â€Å"right† way, he condemns himself to hell even though he is not doing the â€Å"wrong† thing. This is my favorite quote because it displays Huck character growth. It shows he has grown into his own person and doesn’t conform to the ways of society when he feels they are wrong. This shows Huck has matured since he began his embark down the Mississippi River. This quote is a little humorous to me because Huck basically says if going to do badly, I might as well be totally bad. Even though Huck isn’t doing the â€Å"wrong† thing by freeing Jim, I like that he is conscience there is a right and wrong.

Baruch Spinoza

Baruch Spinoza was born in Amsterdam and was given a Jewish traditional upbringing. He was educated at the congregation’s academy where he received all the necessary education in regard to the perceptions of the Jewish community at that time. Most of the teachings in the academy by then constituted of religious education, prophetic writings and commentaries in rabbinical.His excellence in this area however did not give him a reason to seek higher studies but rather left school to work in his family business. History has it that it was his curious and critical nature that later brought forth a conflict between him and the Jewish community.With the death of his father during the England and the France war, his mother having died earlier, he embarked on philosophy and optics and it is believed that eventually the cause of his death was a result of glass dust inhaled while tending to his optic trade (Richard, 1999, 52). The Jewish community in which he was brought up together with the businesses that he conducted gave him the opportunity of interacting with many and more diverse thoughts than those he had been accustomed to while in school and also in the family life.Important here is the contact he made with the free thinking Protestants who gave him an interest in a wide variety of theological thinking and current developments in science and philosophy. It was as history has it through colleges that were organized by these free thinkers that he was exposed to what can be referred to as Cartesian thought besides the desire to learn and understand his own traditions. His desire to learn his traditions led him to start writing for philosophical figures such as Gersonides and later to expand his intellect in which case he sought the tutelage of Franciscus Enden who was an Ex-Jesuit.His tutor turned out to be most helpful to Spinoza as he had interest in many fields such as medicine which kept him seeking for all the latest developments in sciences. According t o history, Franciscus was also well known to have an irreligious cast of mind and a passion in advocating for political ideas that reflected democracy for all. In essence, the knowledge that Spinoza attained from Enden gave him a diverse view of the society and largely contributed to his works in philosophy.In addition, the intellectual orientation that he acquired from his tutor led to an increase in his unorthodox views and reluctance in observing the laws of the community a thing that eventually threatened to strain his relationship with the Jewish community. In the year 1656, tensions with the elders of the community had grown to an extent that they sought to excommunicate him accusing him of abominable heresies and extending to him a series of curses (Richard, 1999, 47). The excommunication given to him also prohibited him from communicating with others in the community.It also prohibited the community members from participating in business with him, coming into close proximity with him under all circumstances or studying anything written by him. This rendered him to be an outcast in the community despite the fact that he was by birth a Jew. All this events did not hinder his association with his tutor as opposed to his business. In contrast, he continued with his studies and even took various trips to the university to study the Cartesian philosophy.He was later to settle in Leiden in the same period and also embarked on his literary career. His first work is recorded in Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect. In this work he attempted to offer a method that would allow the mind to form philosophical ideas that are distinct and clear and which would allow for perfection. The work also contained an extended treatment of definition, an analysis of the causes and nature of doubt and a reflection on the various forms of knowledge.This work was however left unfinished and was later followed by the Short Treatise on God, Man and His Well Being and it was this work that reflected his interest in ethics. Though much of his work was based on the ideas of Descartes, Spinoza never acknowledged all the conclusions of him largely because he did not wish to be seen as a Cartesian. In his later work and with the help of the geometric method used by Descartes in philosophy, he sought to fully integrate geometric methods in presenting his own thoughts. This method forms the basis of most of his works thereafter the year 1665.By then, his work which was later to be known as Ethics was being circulated amongst and by his friends back at home despite the fact that is was only inform of a draft. In this context, the religious and political environment of that time did not allow him to complete the Ethics but rather he sought to embark on other works which would prepare the audience for the Ethics. Later in his work known as the Theological- Political Treatise, he sought to argue the freedom of thought enhanced the security and the stability of the society rather than undermining it in the long run.It was in this work that Spinoza sought to demonstrate that the threat to the freedom of thought came largely from the clergy accusing the later of using the superstitions and fears of the people in an effort to maintain power. He thus argued that the sovereign should exercise the authority of ruling the people as opposed to the clergy and that it was the sovereign that was supposed to extend liberty to the people, giving them the right to adhere to the minimal creed that was neutral in regard to the various sects and their meanings in the lives of the people.This was largely aimed at enabling the philosophers of the time to exercise their freedoms free from any constraints from sectarianism. This work ignited a lot of criticism from the opponents of philosophical ideas and the authorities who accused Spinoza of having nefarious intentions while writing it. Some of his friends were also uncomfortable with his latest work and togeth er with the other opponents accused Spinoza of atheism a thing that he greatly resented himself. In the end, he was forced to move out to Hague where he spent all the rest of his life.His exile life did not hinder him from undertaking further writings but rather he pressed on though none of his work thereon was to be published until after his death. Even after his death, his work now published in Holland experienced a lot of criticism and at some point was abolished in the country. Perhaps it would be right to say that it was Ethics that saw the popularity and the expertise of Spinoza grow in the field of philosophy. The Ethics was encompassed in five books with the first concentrating on God and the meaning of substance.The second of these books deals largely on the knowledge and the mind whereas the third, fourth and the fifth books deals mostly with ethical discussions including the enslavement of the humans by their emotions, the human freedom and passion. In this regard, his wo rk on the treatise dealt mostly on the human freedom realization through the analysis of passion and knowledge and the conflict between the two. To him and evident in many of his works, any knowledge theory, psychology of the nature of the humans and any metaphysics could be compared to an ethic that sought to explain the purpose of human life (Jonathan, 1999, 89).In Ethics, Spinoza makes the use of a basic presumption which can be seen as rational and which states that to the intellect, the nature of the world is transparent in the sense that the dependence amongst the states and events in nature can be seen as reflections of the dependence amongst the various ideas held by the human. His argument was that each and everything existing in nature or the universe in other words represents only one reality or what can be referred to as substance and that the rules governing the reality surrounding the human life and which he is a part of as a whole are encompassed in only one set.He vi ewed nature and God as representing only one reality or substance and that it is this substance that forms the basis of the universe (Francks, 2003, 99) Spinoza further argued that all entities in this substance are only modifications and that it is nature itself that determine the existence of all other things and their causality to other things. In this regard, he asserts that for one to understand the complex chain of causes and effects one must first strive to understand the various parts that constitute it as a whole.In arguing for a single substance he says the substance is not dependent on anything else for its existence and that it is impossible for two substances to share the same attributes or nature. He argued that since substance can be conceived as being self dependent, then God can simply be seen as the only necessary being who despite this, is not distinct from the world. In this context, he sees God as the only existing substance with all other substances owing their existence to Him.On the other hand, God is immanent to the world and any existing individual things are as a result of modifications done by Him (Thomas, 1999, 58). In the same work, he extends his monism to the mind and matter arguing that each of them represented a characteristic of appreciating an eternal reality that was the same. He asserts that the universal substance consists of mind and body with no difference between the two. This argument was later to form a significant solution to the problem of mind and body commonly referred to as neutral monism.He argued that the disclosure of the very essential nature of things could be attributed to intellect as opposed to senses. To him, an adequate and complete idea in regard to God reveals two attributes about Him. In this context, God can be conceived through thinking or through extension. As opposed to other philosophical and theological works that gives God the aspect of infinity, the methods explained by Spinoza explains that each of the above named ways of conceiving God helps in disclosing the attributes of his presence (Cohn-Sherbok, 1997, 68).According to him, humans should endeavor to increase their knowledge about God or the one reality and this can be done by discovering ways in which He or it in case of the reality constitutes a reality that is complete and self sufficiently unified and in which all the happenings that take place are necessary. He further argues that thinking forms a consciousness of the body and that the same mode should be conceived both under the attributes of thought and extension. In this regard, the body and the mind are seen as casually unrelated but rather as parallel expressions of only one reality.He argues further that in the system thought as dominated by God, error and evil requires explanations and in this context, he identify each with privation. In essence, he defines error as the lack of sufficient ideas and evils as the absence that express no essence. Spinoza in his work also sought to show that human senses provides modifications of the body as opposed to knowledge and that it is only through seeing them as true that we can be able to understand them (Samuelson, 1998, 48).Further, Spinoza seeks to explain human freedom or free will through the concept of time in which he contends that freedom encompasses the capacity of the humans to conceive the world in terms of eternity and free from the bondage of desires and emotions. He argues the free will result from the realization by the humans of their appetites on one hand and their failure to understand and conceptualize the reasons behind their needs and actions.Emotions and desires to Spinoza are just results of the ignorance of those causes that determine the human race (Cohn-Sherbok, 1997, 57). Further more, he argues that adequate cognition results into agency and activity. For one therefore to acquire adequacy, he first have to understand his emotions. In this context, he attempted to provide a geometry for emotions to demonstrate that humans are mostly driven by the unknown only to improve and gain control over them once they understand their motivations.In conclusion, he argues that religion, science and philosophy consists an intellectual love for God thus are identical (Schwartz, 2002, 105). In his writings on politics, Spinoza borrows much from the experience he gained from the political system of the time which he used as a basis for his theory on government. He argued that it was the business of the state to avoid putting limits on the exercise of reasons by humans but rather it should attempt to provide the necessary conditions in which reason and its exercise can flourish.Thus to him, constitutional democracy is a necessary and sufficient condition for the provision of a forum of freedom of opinion and reason within the law framework. In essence, he shares the assumptions of Hobbes in regard to the social contract in his political writings. This assumpt ion can be states that a contract is only binding if it is for the advantage of one and that right is derived from power. The basis of his political power is mostly organized around the notion of freedom more so the freedom of enquiry (Julian, 2006, 121).Spinoza’s works has been greatly translated all over the world in the modern times and he is considered to be one of the most influential figures in philosophy. In addition, his works have influenced other fields besides philosophy such as the field of science and literature. The outstanding influence of his works however remains in philosophy with modern philosophers adopting them in teaching and in formulating their own works. Despite the earlier ban of his work in Holland shortly after his death and publication of most of it, his work has greatly being adapted in many areas today.In his works, he sought to explain and bring into the light many concepts which he believed would help in understanding the substance concept and the concept of human freedom on the other hand. Though borrowing much from the works of the earlier philosophers notably Descartes and Hobbes, he always retained his position in making or reaching conclusions. At times he rejected their conclusions and offered his own warning the reader that those conclusions were not necessarily right.Benedict de Spinoza died in a rented room in Hague where he had gone to spend the rest of his life after conflicts with the authorities in Holland and it is believed that he died of a respiratory problem caused by the glass dust inhaled during his optic grinding (Francks, 2003, 98). Work Cited Cohn-Sherbok Dan. Fifty Key Jewish Thinkers. London, Routledge, 1997, pp. 57, 68 Francks Richard. Modern Philosophy: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. London, Routledge, 2003, pp. 98, 99 Jonathan Israel. Dutch Jewry: Its History and Secular Culture (1500-2000). London, Brill, 2002, pp. 89Julian Wolfreys. Modern Criticism and Theory: A Critical Guide. Ne w York, Edinburgh University Press, 2006, pp. 121 Richard H. The Columbia History of Western Philosophy. Columbia, Columbia University Press, 1999, pp. 47, 52 Samuelson Norbert. An Introduction to Modern Jewish Philosophy. New York, State University of New York Press, 1998, pp. 48 Schwartz Dov. Faith at the Crossroads: A Theological Profile of Religious Zionism. London, Brill, 2002, pp. 105 Thomas Edmund. Writers and Philosophers: A Sourcebook of Philosophical Influences on Literature. London, Greenwood Press, 1999, p

Sunday, September 29, 2019

John Steinbeck Common Themes

Born in 1902 in Salinas, California, Nobel Prize winner, John Steinbeck, was one of the most important writers in America during the 20th century. In his novels, East of Eden, Of Mice and Men, Cannery Row, and In Dubious Battle, Steinbeck explores what it takes for a person to find true happiness in life. Steinbeck addresses the pursuit for happiness in one’s life—the American Dream—, by questioning modern idea of it being achieved through material items and the path people take to accomplish it. Steinbeck also addresses the happiness people find in relationships and how connecting to someone can affect a person’s decisions in life. To communicate his ideas with the reader, Steinbeck creates the storyline of his novels, connecting his themes with his characters. In his novels, John Steinbeck addresses the themes of the American Dream and the importance of relationships through various characters in the stories. In his masterpiece, East of Eden, John Steinbeck’s theme of the American Dream focuses on a person’s desire to make a better life for his or her children. Adam Trask greatly portrays this theme when he tries to start an icebox business: â€Å"Adam was a fool. These know-it-all dreamers always got into trouble†¦People who inherited their money always got into trouble. And if you wanted any proof—just look at how Adam had run his ranch. A fool and his money were soon departed† (East of Eden, p. 438). In the novel, it becomes clear that Adam, among many Americans, believes strongly in the idea that money buys happiness. Adam’s yearning to gain money in his name demonstrates his plan to leave a large inheritance for Aaron and Cal, as his father had done for him and his brother. Ultimately, though, Adam’s business proves a failure, making him one of the many who have fallen to the lure of the American Dream. Furthermore, the brothel owner, Faye, also conveys the desire to create a better life for her child. She displays this theme through her adoption of Cathy: â€Å"’I have to have the money. ’ ‘No, you don’t. ’ ‘Of course I do. Where else could I get it? ’ ‘You could be my daughter†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ ‘†¦But I have to have money. ’ ‘There’s plenty for both of us, Cathy. I could give you as much as you make and more†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬  (East of Eden, p. 229). Faye’s lack of close friends creates a weakness in her, which Cathy uses to manipulate Faye into seeing her as a daughter figure. As displayed in the quotation, Faye’s newfound motherly sense sparks a need to provide for Cathy. To Faye’s knowledge, Cathy has lived a depressing life and Faye, being sympathetic to Cathy’s cause, wants to create a better life for her. Eventually, Cathy’s manipulation of Faye works and she receives Faye’s inheritance, fulfilling her own American Dream. The importance of relationships in East of Eden also proves to be a theme Steinbeck conveys through his characters. Adam’s brother, Charles, displays the effect relationships can have on someone when he confronts Adam about their Father’s birthday presents: â€Å"What did you do on his birthday? †¦Did you spend six bits or even four bits? You brought him a mongrel pup†¦That dog sleeps in his room. He plays with it while he’s reading. He’s got it all trained. And where’s the knife? ‘Thanks,’ he said, just ‘Thanks. ’† (East of Eden, p. 30). In this quotation, Charles demonstrates the absence of a relationship between him and his father. Although it becomes evident in the novel that Charles’ father does love him, he chooses not to display it, forming the idea in Charles’ mind that no one loves him. Because of his feelings, Charles becomes jealous of Adam, whom their father openly displays affection towards. This draws in Charles an upmost hatred of his own brother, which Charles uses to harm Adam: â€Å"The footsteps came close, slowed, moved on a little, came back. From his hiding place Adam could see only a darkness in the dark†¦Charles raised the match and peered around, and Adam could see the hatchet in his right hand† (East of Eden, p. 1). In this quotation, Charles tries to kill his own brother. As a confused youth, Charles sees killing his brother, whom gets all the affection from their father, as a way to justify the neglect he receives from his father. Charles provides a perfect example of the importance a relationship has, and how not having one can bring out the darkest part of on e’s personality. Whereas he used East of Eden to focus on the American Dream of one’s desire to make a better life for his or her children, Steinbeck uses Of mice and Men to focus on the unachievable aspect of the American Dream. In the novella, George and Lennie convey this theme through their reassurance that they will not have to tend to someone else’s ranch and will soon have there own: â€Å"’O. K. Someday—we’re gonna get the jack together and we’re gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an’ a cow and some pigs and—‘ ‘An’ live off the fatta the lan’,’† (Of Mice and Men, p. 13). Throughout the novella George repeats this line more often and it even acts as one of the few things Lennie remembers. It appears the more times they reassure themselves of this dream, the more it shifts from reality to fantasy. This dream also catches the imagination of other characters in the novel, one being Crooks. Crooks, who naturally does not believe in the luxury of dreaming, becomes transformed by Lennie’s thinking: â€Å"’†¦If you†¦guys would want a hand to work for nothing—just his keep, why I’d come an’ lend a hand’† (Of Mice and Men, p. 73). This quotation suggests every American succumbs to the idea of the American dream. This quotation also suggests the characters that have dreams of a brighter future, like Candy, George, and Lennie, would have nothing without them. Ultimately, through multiple examples in the novel, Steinbeck suggests the American dream acts more of as a motivator rather than a reality. While Steinbeck uses George and Lennie to convey the unachievable American Dream, he also uses them to convey the importance of relationships. Friendship plays a major role in the story development, greatly affecting the actions of George and Lennie. George demonstrates this theme’s effect on him when he talks to Lennie about sticking together: â€Å"‘where the hell could you go? †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢How’d you eat. You ain’t got sense enough to find nothing to eat. ’ ‘I’d find things, George. I don’t need no nice food with ketchup. ’†¦George looked quickly and searchingly at him. ‘I been mean, ain’t I? ’ (Of Mice and Men, p. 11-12). At first, it seems George regretfully carries the burden of taking care of Lennie, but, when studied further, George sees Lennie more o f as a friend instead of a burden. In this quotation, George displays his friendship when he acknowledges his harshness after he yells at Lennie. George’s friendship with Lennie also becomes evident at the end of the novella where Georges execution of Lennie demonstrates an act of kindness on behalf of their friendship. George, instead of letting Curley give him a long, painful death, gives Lennie a short and painless one. Additionally, the theme of friendship also affects Lennie when he recites part of George and his dream of owning a ranch: â€Å"But not us! An’ why? Because†¦because I got you to look after me and you got me to look after you, and that’s why. ‘†¦we’re gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an’ a cow and some pigs and—‘ ‘An’ live off the fatta the lan’’† (Of Mice and Men, p. 13). This quotation suggests Lennie needs George or else his dream will not be a believable accomplishment. This suggestion helps conclude that Lennie sees George as his friend and guide through life, and, without him, Lennie will no t know what to do with himself or where to go any longer. In Cannery Row, Steinbeck compares the change in the American Dream from the pursuit of happiness to the pursuit of material success. Steinbeck conveys the original meaning of the American Dream through Mack and his boys: â€Å"Mack was the elder, leader, mentor, and to a small extent the exploiter of a little group of men who had in common no family, no money, and no ambitions beyond food, drink and contentment† (Cannery Row, p. 13). Mack and his boys are an example of Americans who understand and are fulfilling what the American Dream originally was: the pursuit of happiness. In the novel, Mack and his boys are in a debt to Lee Chong—which he knows they will never repay—and still happy with the lives they live. Also, Mack and his boys only work when they need necessities to live like food, clothing, or shelter, proving a person does not need to be materially successful to be happy with their lives. While Mack and the Boys are an example of the original American Dream, the Malloys are an example of the changed American Dream. The Malloys demonstrate their need for money to be happy through their longing for more material items: â€Å"Mrs. Malloy had been contented until her husband became a landlord and then she began to change. First it was a rug, then a washtub, then a lamp with a colored silk shade†¦Mr. Malloy sat up on the mattress. ‘Curtains? ’ he demanded. ‘What in God’s name do you want curtains for? ’† (Cannery Row, p. 47). At first, the Malloys started out as homeless people, but then moved into a broken down boiler in between Lee Chong’s and the Bear Flag restaurant. After they had a home and were content, they decided to gain more money by renting out their housing pipes to men as sleeping quarters. Unlike Mack and his boys who gain money for necessities, the Malloys gain money just for having more money and buying unnecessary material things like rugs or silk lampshades, or curtains. Ultimately, Steinbeck proves the original concept of the American Dream can still exist, but the natural greed of humans to want more weakens it. Like Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck uses Cannery Row to examine the affects a developing friendship can have on a person. Characters that convey this theme are Doc and Frankie. The unlikely pair display their friendship when Doc goes to retrieve Frankie from the police station after he gets arrested for robbing a jewelry store: â€Å"‘Frankie—you shouldn’t have done it,’ said Doc. The heavy stone of inevitability was on his heart†¦Ã¢â‚¬ËœFrankie,’ he said, ‘why did you take it? Frankie looked a long time at him. ‘I love you,’ he said. Doc ran out and got in his car and went collecting in the caves below Pt. Lobos† (Cannery Row, p. 164-165). This quotation displays the strong friendship between Doc and Frankie because after Frankie’s mom denies responsibility for him, he cal ls on Doc for help. The friendship between Doc and Frankie almost mirrors the friendship between George and Lennie from Of Mice and Men. Frankie, like Lennie, is a mentally ill character that creates an unexpected friendship with Doc, a man who would seem burdened by Frankie. Like George did for Lennie, Doc tries to help Frankie in his time of need. His single mistake, alongside his mental illness, proved great enough to cloud the judgment of the police, removing from him a second chance in life Frankie only wanted to please his one and only friend, but in doing so, ruined his chances of ever having a future. Ultimately, Frankie’s friendship with Doc made him feel wanted in a society that rejected him. Furthermore, Mack and the boys and Lee Chong also convey the importance of relationships. They convey this theme when Lee rents out his old fish meal shack to the boys: â€Å"And that was the way it was. Everyone was happy about it†¦The windows were not broken. Fire did not break out, and while no rent was every paid, if the tenants every had any money, and quite often they did have, it never occurred to them to spend it at any place except at Lee Chong’s grocery† (Cannery Row, p. 15). When he gave Mack and the boys the shack, Lee not only stopped them from vandalizing his store but also found new friends in them. Although they never paid rent for living in the shack, Mack and the boys supported Lee however they were able to, even though they did not have to do anything. In the end, the friendship between Lee and Mack’s group provided Mack and the boys a shelter to call home and helped protect and improve Lee’s business. In his novel, In Dubious Battle, Steinbeck focuses on the different ways people struggle to achieve the American Dream. Jim Nolan, the first character to convey this theme, displays his struggle when he joins the â€Å"Party† in the beginning of the novel: â€Å"‘Well, why do you want to join, then? ’†¦Ã¢â‚¬ËœIn the jail there were some Party men. They talked to me. Everything’s been a mess, all my life. Their lives weren’t messes. They were working toward something. I want to work toward something. I feel dead. I thought I might get alive again’† (In Dubious Battle, p. 8). Before joining the â€Å"Party† Jim’s life, like many people during the Great Depression, was rough, having lost his job and his parents. As displayed by the quotation, Jim’s purpose for joining the â€Å"Party† was to start a new life to achieve what he saw as the American Dream. During his jail time, Jim observed his fellow inmates and noticed how being in the â€Å"Party† made them happy, and in his mind, achieving happiness means to achieve the American Dream. From what he witnessed in jail, Jim sought to join the â€Å"Party† to accomplish his own idea of the American Dream. Similar to Jim’s endeavor to find happiness, the ongoing battle between the workers and the landowners of the apple orchard also demonstrates the struggle the American Dream brings. London, the voted leader of the strike, expresses this when he talks to the orchard superintendant: â€Å"London said, ‘S’pose we kick ‘em out? Do we get the money we’re strikin’ for? Do we get what we would of got before the cut? ’ ‘No; but you can go back to work with no more trouble. The owners will overlook everything that’s happened†¦You get the men back to work and you’ll get a steady job here as assistant superintendent at five dollars a day’† (In Dubious Battle, p. 101). This quotation demonstrates the struggle between London and the superintendent. As displayed by his dialogue, the superintendent makes it clear he does not care about his workers and only sees them as people he can exploit to make him money. In a way, the superintendent fulfills the requirements someone needs to achieve the American Dream of material success. Although he gets offered a high-paying job, which would allow him to achieve material success, London must still decide whether to leave his fellow workers, or to stick with them in their struggle against the landowners. Ultimately, London declines because of the tension between his poor, working-class and the wealthier class that the superintendent belongs to. While Jim Nolan was used to convey the struggle to achieve the American Dream in In Dubious Battle, Steinbeck also uses him to demonstrate the affects relationships have on individuals. Jim displays the affects relationships have on a person through his involvement with the â€Å"Party† when he takes part in the interrogation of a young boy: â€Å"Jim sat on the mattress and watched. Mac said, ‘Jim, you gave me hell about losing my head a little while ago. I’m not losing it now. ’ ‘It’s O. K. if you’re cold,’ said Jim. ‘I’m a sharpshooter,’ Mac said. ‘You feeling sorry for the kid, Jim? ’ ‘No, he’s not a kid, he’s an example’† (In Dubious Battle, p. 213). In the beginning of the novel, Jim was in search of happiness in life and in an attempt to achieve it he joined the â€Å"Party†. Jim discovers from joining the â€Å"Party† that he has found a family-like relationship among its members, something he was never able to completely have. Although Jim has found a place where he belongs, his involvement with the â€Å"Party† has affected his personality, changing from a caring and sensitive person to a cold and heartless one. Even though Jim calls Mac a cold person, his inability to consider the young boy as a human being proves him to be a cold person as well. Just as Jim’s personality had changed from joining the â€Å"Party,† Mac’s personality changes through his friendship with Jim. The scene after Mac interrogates the young boy demonstrates the affect on Mac from this friendship with Jim: â€Å"He stood still, smiling his cold smile, until London went out of the tent†¦All over his body the muscles shuddered. His face was pale and grey. Jim put his hand over and took him by the wrist. Mac said wearily, ‘I couldn’t of done it if you weren’t here, Jim. Oh, Jesus, you’re hard-boiled. You just looked. You didn’t give a damn’† (In Dubious Battle, p. 214). When Mac began his trip to the apple orchard with Jim, he had a fine line on where he stood with his personal friendship with Jim, acting mainly as Jim’s mentor. However, as Mac started to spend more time with Jim, he started to adapt Jim sensitive personality, opening up to Jim whenever he was caught in a difficult situation. Though as the storyline progressed, Jim’s change in personality started to affect Mac just as it had done in the beginning of the novel. Demonstrated by the young boy’s interrogation, as Jim became more and more cold and heartless, so did Mac. Throughout his novels, East of Eden, Of Mice and Men, Cannery Row, and In Dubious Battle, Steinbeck uses characters to convey the themes of the American Dream and the importance of relationships. By addressing his characters’ desire and struggle to achieve the American Dream, Steinbeck demonstrates the change in the American Dream from being the pursuit of happiness to the pursuit of material success. Steinbeck makes it evident in many of characters, like Mack and the boys from Cannery Row, that achieving the American Dream can fulfill happiness. Although in some cases, like George and Lennie from Of Mice and Men, where he explores the reality that the American Dream can not always be fulfilled, Steinbeck also explores the possibility that some people can accomplish the American Dream. Through his characters, Steinbeck also demonstrates the affect a relationship can have on an individual, bringing out his or her inner personalities. By having a meaningful relationship with another person, an individual has someone whom they can console with during the struggle it takes to achieve happiness. Ultimately, through meaningful relationships, individuals are given the chance to overcome the hard work it takes to accomplish the American Dream.

Competitive Advantage and Comparative Advantage Essay

What is the difference between competitive advantage and comparative advantage? Answer: An advantage that a firm has over its competitors, that differentiates the Product or services offered by the firm and allows the firm to reduce it’s Cost or generate Higher Revenue or Margin is known as Competitive Advantage. A competitive advantage is something that a consumer views in a product or service as having higher value than the other competitors of the firm in the industry. It is an expertise that one firm has. There are many types of competitive strategy that a firm adopts so as to give a competitive advantage to the firm. E.g. Cost leadership: A firm produces the lowest cost product in the entire industry. Comparative Advantage: When one firm/country is able to produce Goods or Services at a lower Opportunity Cost over another firm/ country, it is said to have a Comparative Advantage. For E.g. if one country uses more machines and produces 10 units of each Meat and Clothes in one hour. And another country uses fewer machines and produces either 4 Meat or 6 Clothes in an hour, each country can gain from trade because their internal trade-offs between Meat and Clothes are different. The country that uses fewer machines has a Comparative advantage in producing clothes, hence it is more beneficial to produce and trade Clothes with the other country. The country that uses more machines has a comparative advantage in producing Meat, hence it is beneficial for them to produce and trade Meat with the other country.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Midterm Analysis about an specific articles regarding Humen Rights Essay

Midterm Analysis about an specific articles regarding Humen Rights - Essay Example However as time passed by it came to the attention of all the human beings that their fellow beings had exactly the same feelings that they themselves possessed and these feelings should be respected. If this principle is understood we can further elaborate on this topic by going back to times when human rights did not even evolve. Thus it can be said that human rights evolved only because of the created awareness about the feelings and sentiments of human beings which helped all humans to realize about the inner self of their fellow human beings (Bourke 2007 & Langwith 2008). In this world atrocious and despicable acts of killing, looting, raping, and torturing can be traced back to the times of the Jesus Christ himself and even before than that. These acts are still widely prevalent even now and because of these very acts the humans are not being provided with the dignity and rights that they rightly deserve. Thus to counter act all these acts a broad phenomena has been developed which is known as Human Rights. Human Rights are the rights which the human beings rightly deserve for living in this world. These human rights have been created over time as more and more became known about the nature of the human beings. These human rights urge individuals to treat every human as equal to them whether he is of a different class, gender or race. Human Rights have been officially recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN Assembly (Bourke 2007 & Langwith 2008). Joanne Burke in her article Sentimental Education tells that a revolution took place in the subject of human rights in the 17th century when the National Assembly of France itself stated the natural, unalienable and sacred rights of man. This was the beginning of the evolution of the concept of human rights which was further followed by other individuals who brought forward the message of human nature to the whole world (Bourke

Paper industry. Stora Enso Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Paper industry. Stora Enso - Essay Example Paper industry. Stora Enso Stora Enso has already become the leader in the market of paper and paperboards. It already has large pool of steadfast and existing customers; however it is important to maintain its position by conducting effective R& D process. Currently, Stora Enso is trying to improve its position by conducting the research in such areas as multi-color printing, new printing techniques as well as fiber-based packaging. Successful research in these areas might lead to the improvement in the quality of products and services that the company provides and assure that it will retain its leadership position in the market. Product development. As R&D is one of greatest priorities in Stora Enso, it is capable to market new products to existing customers. Recently, the company has developed new product- packages with radio frequency indicators, which the company sells to various pharmacies in Estonia and Finland. If the current trial of the sale process is completed successfully (as in today’s technological highly sophisticated era, there is no guarantee that the electronic forms of protection of goods and services can not be fortified), it will reduce the number of fortified drugs sold in Northern European market, and even in the world as well. Market development. The demand on the paper and packaging products has been growing steadfastly during the last several years. High prices on the paper in the USA are ones of the indicators of the growth in the demand on the paper and packaging products, another is growing demand in China. ... Market development. The demand on the paper and packaging products has been growing steadfastly during the last several years. High prices on the paper in the USA are ones of the indicators of the growth in the demand on the paper and packaging products, another is growing demand in China. Most of analytics almost universally agree that the demand will continue to grow in the next several years, and there are grounds to assume that manufactures in China will produce much less paper than current demand of the Chinese economy requires. According to the information of Datamonitor, China exhibited the growth of 9% in the demand on paper in 2005 compared with the same period in 2004.4 Stora Enso continues its aggressive expansion in the Chinese market. It recently has signed the contract with another paper company of China, in the southern province of Guangxi. According to the agreement mentioned the company will be able to acquire the rights on 600 ha of forests in the province, moreover the company is poised to establish 120000 ha of plantation to satisfy the demand on paper products in the province. 5 India is another potential market for the products of Stora Enso. Indian economy has been growing rapidly during the last several years as well; demand on the paper and the packaging products has been growing in this country and according to the predictions of several specialists this country will be another important player in the market of paper industry. Diversification. This is the part of Ansoff's matrix where new possibilities for the marketing of new products and services should be studied. As one knows from the theory of marketing there are two types of diversification: related and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Media Ethics class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Media Ethics class - Essay Example Definitely, this is a bit misconstrued given the very personal nature of the relationships revealed from the start. However, the fact that Nev was already aware of the fact that something was â€Å"amiss† may suggest that they only wanted to get to the bottom of the story, â€Å"see the story through†. In this regard, I would consider their decision to travel to Michigan as an ethical act. This position is informed by the sensitivity and relevance of the issue at hand. Facebook is currently the most subscribed form of social media( Plaisance 167 ). All persons who subscribe to it have different goals as evidenced by the documentary, therefore, it would be important for the media to educate the masses on this aspect. This way, the media plays its critical role which is educating people on the various perspectives and the widespread intentions of people taking to social media. I look at the decision to travel to Michigan as a way of providing the reality check and bringin g to the viewers the intrigues and deceptions that can take place in the social media. This way, the public is informed and hopefully individuals are able to take due caution in interacting with strangers in social media. This ethical stance is informed by Jeremy Bentham’s and John Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism theory. The theory asserts that the right course of action is that which maximizes utility it is that which delivers greatest good to the greatest number. In this case, Nev and Ariel upset a few people, the Abby’s family, to educate the entire public on the deceptions and misrepresentations that can be carried on social media. This arguably benefits a large population which would have been oblivious of such reality. Further, this view is very much in line with Plaisance thoughts on the media people who must recognize that they are creatures of community and must take the responsibility towards others as we are all interconnected and must care for each other (Plaisance

Nursing EBP Clinical Protocol & Pilot Study Essay

Nursing EBP Clinical Protocol & Pilot Study - Essay Example 2002). All but one study did show a reduction in length of stay and increased range of motion for patients that used CPM short term. A pilot study will be initiated to test the following protocol which is written based on the evidence from literature review. These results will be reported and that report will help initiate and evidence based protocol for full time use. Permission will be sought from those involved as well as senior staff and physicians. The goal of the protocol would be to use CPM for initial knee flexion but to increase PT rapidly, decreasing use of CPM as research shows that CMP only has a short term advantage and PT has a long term advantage. The aim of the pilot study is to test the protocol that is recommended at this time to assure that it works well and produces good quality results for the patient as well as a reduction in the patients length of stay. At the same time, documentation recommendations as well as pain tolerance and post op bleeding will be analyzed. The pilot study will be carried out on the orthopedic floor. This will be discussed first with the orthopedic surgeons and then with the nursing management at the hospital that is responsible for this floor (Vincent & Chapman 2000).. Once the evidence base is explained and it is cleared, patients will be permitted as needed for the pilot, assuring that they understand the new protocol. Nurses on the floor will be educated and ten patients will be chosen for the pilot. Those patients will need to be post operative knee with the need for CPM use and as few other co-morbidities as possible. For example, we do not want to include someone that is prone to infection because the likelihood is that the infection would skew the data collected. The results of the pilot will be studied to assure that there is improvement in cost, quality and length of stay. The evaluation of the pilot will include physicians, nurses, and nurse administrator. A positive result will mean permanent change of the protocol. Resources Bruun-Olsen, V., Heiberg, K. & Mengshoel, A. (2009). Continuous passive motion as an adjunct to active exercises in early rehabilitation following total knee arthroplasty. Disability and Rehabilitation. 31(4). 277-283. Retrieved from Academic Search Primer. Accession # 35702360. Davies, D., Johnston, W., Beupre, L. (2003). Effect of adjunctive range of motion therapy after primary total knee arthroplasty on the use of health services after hospital discharge.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Next Generation Air Transportation System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Next Generation Air Transportation System - Essay Example In addition, this program also encompasses airspace redesign and human factors affected by the air transport Next Generation Air Transport System is a proposed overhaul of the air traffic control system by the FAA. This government organ is moving away from the traditional control plan to exploit the advancement of technology in operating and managing aircrafts across the country. Accordingly, the aviation department plans to move from ground-based radar surveillance to satellite-based automatic monitoring. This program’s essential idea is the concept of free flights across the country. Through the adoption of various innovations, the aircrafts are guided by satellite instruments in the cockpit (Barkowski 6). This technology replaces the ground-based radars that require assistance by numerous traffic air controllers. Additionally, NextGen refers to the technology program that is essential and appropriate for ensuring safe and efficient movements of aircrafts. Thus, individual planes are given freedom to chart their path from departure to arrival destinations without the influence of aviation staff on the ground. Under free flights, the satellite-guided software provides direct and accurate routes to pilots to their targets. The Next Generation Air Transport System is currently in use across the country. Adoption of this program has already improved the air transport system in the country. Through the adoption of the guidelines and provision of this program, passengers are now enjoying the use of air transport. The crafts are saving time and moving swiftly across the country (Dillingham 5). In addition, the agency’s direct flights from different places is also useful. As a result, the industry is saving on operations cost since aircrafts use limited fuel. The crafts are also less pollutant to the environment since the emission of exhaust fumes has greatly reduced. Moreover, the program is

Discuss the opportunities and difficulties associated with reusing Essay

Discuss the opportunities and difficulties associated with reusing decommissioned offshore installations for generating renewable energy - Essay Example Decommissioning solutions in accordance with the UK legislation concerns about safety and security of the environment, legitimate uses of the sea and support all the economic considerations whenever required. By definition, renewable power sources are those that do not require any fuel as their energy is replenish naturally. There is no constraint on their siting, therefore, because of any requirement to transport fuel rather, the location of the power unit is usually determined by natural features (DoEn, 1988). A basic constraint underlying some of these limitations is the impracticability of storing electricity on a large scale. However the renewable sources require nuclear fusion and fission power plants for the small masses of fuel required, so they can be conveniently sited on the coast with direct cooling for their steam condensers from seawater. Coal-fired power stations, on the other hand, require the transport of very large quantities of fuel and therefore tend to be near coalfields, with air-cooling towers for steam condensation and with makeup water from rivers. Tidal and wave power schemes must of necessity be on the coast or at sea: wind systems, because of their large area requirement, may well be sited offshore. Geothermal plants will probably not be economic for power production but may supply hot water for community heating; this is unlikely to be economic over long transmission distances and so the schemes will be confined to local 'hot dry rock' regions. Solar heating wou ld probably not involve distribution, but would be constrained to direct production and use in buildings in the south of England where there are more hours of sunshine (Peak Energy, 2006) Decommissioning Standards Opportunities Reusing Decommissioned installations is an opportunity in itself that conforms with technicalities like sea-bed clearance, removing installations as and when required, dealing with wastes, observing and analysing remains and monitoring and maintaining a decommissioned site. The Decommissioning Program instead of removing or doing 'from the scratch' installation, abides to the rule of removing partial installations which not only saves time and efforts of the developer but also helps him maintaining a particular standard. In this context the Government is providing full technical support to the renewable energy installation sector by not enforcing any excessive burden onto those who have been declared liable to protect the users of sea and environment. Government provides opportunities to the renewable energy sector to support IMO (International Maritime Organisation) to get along with a standard that conforms to the Removal of offshore installation and structures the Exclusive Economic Zone. In order to protect the Marine environment, the Government is keen to provide full guidance for the offshore oil and gas installations in compliance with the OSPAR Convention (December 2006, Guidance Notes for Industry) which includes support in the form of documents on offshore wind farms. Cost Reduction Reusing decommissioned offshore renewable energy has enabled the BPEO (Best Practicable Environmental Option) to provide least damage to the environment by cutting down the excessive costs in the long and short run. In this way risk is reduced using safety standards of navigation.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Demand in Health Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Demand in Health Care - Essay Example People, particularly those suffering from life threatening diseases, need treatment. Regardless of how much it costs or whether a patient can afford it with his income, the treatment is imperative. Demand is different. There are choices involved in decisions to buy services. For instance, a patient with an eye problem decides to forego an expensive eye surgery and opt to use eye glasses instead. The cost of the operation forces the patient to use a much cheaper alternative since the condition can also be remedied, at least up to a point that the condition does not lead to permanent blindness or some fatal complication. The previous example demonstrates the so-called demand curve. According to Getzen, "the demand curve shows how many patients are willing to buy at a current price and also at other potential prices" (p.27). The model, which shows a downward slope, depicts how more people are inclined to purchase goods and services as its cost drops down. Here, it is clear that purchase decisions or demands are determined by the price. But price, in purely economic terms, is not the only factor involved in demand. The manner by this variable factor in peoples decisions is also driven by the concept of scarcity and value, which is determined by the quantity and quality of and need for the product or service. In my experience, demand always figure prominently in peoples healthcare decisions. Patients are often free to choose from different doctors according to cost, value and even cultural considerations. This is because there is no scarcity of professionals. Elastic demand could emerge in this situation. Doctors could lower their prices so that demand is stimulated. However, the choice is constrained for those doctors with rare specializations such as those in rare genetic diseases. This is also true for anesthesiologists who do not have any close substitutes (Feldstein, 2011, p.29). There are areas wherein these specialists form a group, monopolizing

Compose a letter promoting as aspect of Atlantic Cape Community Research Paper

Compose a letter promoting as aspect of Atlantic Cape Community College to a relative, co-worker, or friend - Research Paper Example A few months back, I came across a piece of information put out by a wonderful kind of community college. This small-town community college is big on its promises and they certainly lived up to the expectations of their students, including me, of course. I was fortunate enough to be guided into their Academy of Culinary Arts (ACA) at the Atlantic Cape Community College located in nearby Atlantic and Cape May counties in New Jersey. This community college has a student population of about 6,500 both in transfer and academic degree programs. They offer outstanding courses but what I am raving about is its nationally-recognized Academy of Culinary Arts, from which I graduated from a few months ago and instrumental in landing me a fine, well-paying job at a prestigious five-star hotel here in New York City as an assistant chef. You have an abiding interest for food and cooking as shown many, many times when we and our close-knit group had sleep-overs and we did our own cooking. This might sound quite tough but a career shift on your part will surely do wonders as it had done to me when I decided to pursue an entirely different and new career – in culinary arts! At the Atlantic Cape Community College, I found their secret formula for success, in food. All people will always have to eat, in good times or bad times, no matter in what shape the economy is in. In this regard, I strongly suggest you give their ACA a try so as to greatly improve your chances of getting gainfully employed in a full-time job. Getting employed as a chef or head cook is quite easy, even in a tough economy and a further inducement is the high median salary of approximately $40,000 per year. You can get employed in upscale restaurants and get to know and meet famous people, in a big casino, a famous hotel or even in a world-class holiday cruise liner. Hows that for combining both the passion of cooking with a great adventure and a high-paying job!? Employment

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History - Assignment Example The four castes were recognizable around 1000 BCE (). The division was part of the creation process. For example, the highest caste of Brahmins came about from the mouth of the primeval being Purusha. The other castes were the Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. These three castes came about from the Purusha’s arms, thighs and feet respectively. The relative heights of these bodily locations correspond exactly to the relative levels of the four castes in the social hiearchy. There are many other castes in the Aryan social structure as well, but the aforementioned are the main four. Source: Ralph T. Griffith, trans. The Hymns of the Rigveda, 4 vols., 2nd ed. Benares: E. J. Lazarus, 1889–92, 4:289–93. The ‘Mandate from Heaven’ and its significance 5. What is the meaning of the â€Å"Mandate from Heaven?† Why was it significant to the Zhou Dynasty? How did a ruler know he had lost the mandate from heaven? The expression ‘mandate from heaven†™ refers to the legitimacy of the Chinese emperor’s right to rule the throne. Thus, Chinese emperors acquired their office not merely through exercising force but through permission of divine origin. This mandate made the emperor a holder of absolute power though limited by his responsibility towards heaven. A failure to fulfill this responsibility and in enforcing basic morals had the consequence of resulting in a loss of the divine mandate.

What can Nigeria learn from the previous mistakes in electricity Research Paper

What can Nigeria learn from the previous mistakes in electricity liberalisation - Research Paper Example The industrial policy decisions and public finances, the physical characteristics of supply, the magnitude of capital requirement and size of industry, and the complex and close relationships between the industry and other significant economic elements all combine to impose challenges to the liberalization process. During electricity industry the liberalization in Brazil, Argentina, and Peru, various mistakes occurred, though these industries are the road to set successful models. Currently, Nigeria is liberalizing her energy industry, and may draw upon the earlier flaws of these models to fortify the sector. This paper seeks to present a discussion on the fundamental mistakes and discuss the way forward for Nigeria. Privatization is a term that evokes sharp political reactions. The concept covers a great range of policies and ideas, varying from reasonableness to impractical. Despite the variation and the somewhat unclear meaning, privatization has unequivocal political objectives and origins. Proposals for privatization not only return the service to the original private sphere but also seek to create new types of market relations and assure results superior or comparable public programs. In essence, privatization refers to the transfer of government assets or services to the private sector. The state may sell some of its assets to private investors, or alternatively lift statutory restrictions on competition between publicly and privately owned enterprises. Furthermore, by the state may be contract out services that it initially provided. The primary objective of privatization is to increase government efficiency1. Nonetheless, implementation of this concept may result in either negative or po sitive effects on government’s revenue. Essentially, privatization is the opposite of nationalization. Reasons for Privatization In general, privatization of the electricity industry in Nigeria was a result of the desire to increase efficiency and competitiveness, as well as the belief that the market place powers can achieve this more efficiently and effectively than state control. Nonetheless, given the previous history of government participation in services and goods production in Nigeria, and the prevalent history of crisis in these public enterprises, the process of privatization in Nigeria has various expected objectives. First, privatization is a way to inject market discipline to the board members, as the board must reflect the interests of shareholders, primarily the private sector investors whose interest lie with profit maximization. Second, the process results

Monday, September 23, 2019

How the fashion industry adapted to these restriction and shortages Research Paper

How the fashion industry adapted to these restriction and shortages during WW2 - Research Paper Example But this was short-lived, because America entry to war in 1941 saw Government restriction on civilian access to food and critical materials due to the needs of the armed forces and war production. The adoption of restriction rules in America was different from other countries, the responsibility of clothing rationing was on manufactures rather than civilian, Stanley Marcus was the head of the textile division of the WPB and he essentially froze the silhouette of the time by restricting the amount of fabric that could be used to create garment to its 1941 amount. Rules for clothing industry were created such as Limitation Order-85(L-85). The following are some of the restriction imposed by the L-85 order. 1. For blouses. No hoods, If tucking or pleating is used, ruffling could not be used and vice versa. There was to be no more than one pocket, inside or out, and no patch pocket using more than 25 inches of material. 2. In relations to coats, There was to be no bi-swing or Norfolk typ e backs, No epaulets or tabs on the shoulders, Sleeve circumference is limited to 16.5 inches. 3. Skirts/ suits and play suits. Hem circumference reduced from 81 inches to 78 for misses’ size 16 made non-wool fabrics of 9 ounce weight or less. No culottes, reversible skirt, quilted skirts or skating skirts. 4. Dresses. No more than 2 buttons were allowed and 2 buttonholes for each cuff, No quilting using more than 300 square inches, People were limited to only 3 pairs of leather footwear per year. This was in order to regulate the uncontrolled demand as there was shortage of leather and manpower as well as military demand. Items of clothing such as shoes came under direct rationing; others fell under indirect rationing as a result of strict restriction being imposed upon manufacturers and wholesalers by the War Production Board, (WPB) program for conservation of strategic materials. Nylon production for instance was directed to military use in February 1942. It was used in pa rachutes. Rubber and leather was reserved for the military use. Cotton was not restricted immediately but the heavy military demand and changing of cotton fields into crop production and the poor cotton crop later during the war affected greatly its supply. Silk materials that came from the east became scarce due to cessation of overseas shipping. Rubber controls were significantly tightened during the war due to the high military demand. By February 1942, U.S had been cut from 90% of its natural rubber supply. However, the American fashion industry adopted measures, companies like Sears, Roebuck & co, offered shoes for other rationing coupons, other companies like Lane Bryant advertised â€Å"Non-Rationed Shoes) which were non- leather and were also wedge style or combination of the two. The ‘Wedge Shoe’ gained popularity during World War 2; it was originally created by Salvatore Ferragamo in 1935, it was made from cork sole and natural fiber for the upper part. The s hoe utilized such materials as hemp, felt, and raffia plaited cellophane and crocheted. Silk was substituted with nylon but later on, it became needed for making parachutes. Shortage of stockings made women to resort for trousers which were adopted by the young and the working classes. The L-85 restriction order made American designers who were eager to make a place in the fashion world, not being allowed a large margin for their originality. Modifications were made to shorten the length of skirts,

Judicial System and Application of Criminal Responsibility Essay

Judicial System and Application of Criminal Responsibility - Essay Example The main role of any judicial system is to mitigate crime, provide social control, and impose sanctions to violators of the law and to rehabilitates individuals who have violated the law. Germany Criminal Justice system The Germany criminal justice system is one of the most elaborate systems in the world due to the proper structure and the eloquent due process. The German police are the first line contact with crimes happening on the ground. Additionally, their main mandate is to detect, conduct investigations and arrest lawbreakers. After the police have made an arrest, they proceed to register the crime and embark on thorough investigations. However, in other cases, the police can conduct undercover investigation in order to detect criminal activities and gather sufficient evidence for prosecution purposes. Additionally, when they find sufficient evidence, then they hand over the case to the public prosecutions officer who is has the mandate of prosecuting the suspect on behalf of the public (Miller & Gaines, 2011). However, the prosecution must have a high degree of specificity in order to prosecute an individual according to the German laws. Additionally, the matter must be an offense against the public interest. However, when the nature of crime is minor and the prosecutor sees no ground of public prosecution, then the penal sanctions are applied that may include fines. The prosecutor can go ahead and prosecute an offender, when the crime is against the public and has sufficient evidence. However, the courts will commence proceedings after thoroughly examining the charges, the nature of crime and the degree of seriousness (Hess, Orthmann & Cho, 2012). When an individual commits a crime for instance robbery, the police conduct an intensive investigation regarding the crime before they register it and forward it to the public prosecutions officer who then evaluates the case against the evidence in order to forward it to court for proceedings to commence. How ever, the crime must cause significant harm to the public for instance robbery causes harm to the victims. When the public prosecutor forwards the case to court, the court examines the case against the evidence that the public prosecutions officer puts forward in order to establish grounds for commencing proceedings otherwise without sufficient evidence and legal grounds the court throws out the case (Cole & Smith, 2008). The public prosecutor has to follow the due process model to the letter in order to achieve successful prosecution. The first court that majorly deals with criminal cases has one professional judge specialized in criminal cases and two other lay judges. Similarly, a higher court consists of three professional judges and two other lay judges. When an individual is arraigned in court with charges of robbery, then the case may take two major directions, they court may terminate the proceeding on grounds of insufficient evidence or the case may proceed if the court est ablishes grounds for the case. At this point, the defendant may be sentenced to imprisonment if found guilty. The main aim of the German Judicial process is to reform the individual, protect the public from such criminal offences that the individual may commit. Additionally, the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Discussion Board Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Discussion Board - Coursework Example It will therefore favor the company when it comes to competition in the market. The emergence six stigma and its Continued popularity goes to show that it is more dependable compared to older method such as the TQM. While the quality in productivity is an important factor when it comes to success in a business, I feel that proper leadership in the business is also essential. According to the Biblical Integration, wise leadership is effective in promoting better performance in any business. The leaders have the power to guide a business in the right direction and one of the ways in which this can be achieved is through wise leadership. Wise leadership involves the use of wise words. This is supported by (Pulakanam 2012) who provides sufficient research on the impact of six stigma process. Proper leadership combined with the six stigma process will facilitate progress in an organization and facilitate coordination in the organization. There is also the correlation of proper leadership in (Ecclesiastes 9:10, NLT) which encourages wisdom in management. Chiarini, A. (2011). Japanese total quality control, TQM, demings system of profound knowledge, BPR, lean and six sigma. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 2(4), 332-355. Retrieved from Pulakanam, V. (2012). Costs and savings of six sigma programs: An empirical study. The Quality Management Journal, 19(4), 39-54. Retrieved from

Marketing Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing Strategies - Essay Example This strategy implies that business is likely to be faced by five major influences, which must be economically and comprehensively addressed for the prosperity of the business. The company handles the threat of new entrants by providing quality services to its customers at a friendly cost to disadvantage new comers in the same business (medium to high pressure). The threat of substitute goods is handled by the company providing unique tastes and flavors of its food products to its clients; however, there is no much difference between the company’s food and Sedoxe hence, medium to high pressure. The company has a low pressure threat of bargaining power of customers. This is because the company deals with reputable companies like IBM, Microsoft and Caterpillar among others. It has a low pressure of supplier bargaining due to its vast chain of suppliers. Finally, the company has a high pressure of rivalry among existing firms like coca-cola and Pepsi among other fast beverage com panies. Marketing mix analysis uses the 4p’s principle to ascertain the viability of the business. Compass Group Company has recommended quality food products at affordable price. It has good distribution channel since their products can be found in almost all corners of the country. It has a working and economic promotion strategy through free samples, gifts and advertisements. Compass group is foodservice industry whose headquarter is in Charlotte, North Carolina. The company has the advantage of serving economically stable clients like United Technologies Corp, Microsoft, IBM, Caterpillar and SAP among others. Furthermore, it also serves customers from neighboring learning institutions like Louisiana State University, public schools in Chicago and the University...Although they seem to be of no value, they really attract and maintain clients. Compass Company provides food nutrition lessons or advertises to their esteem customers. This is like a bonus but it really helps to attract and maintain clients with nutrition problems like the obese and diabetics among others. Sedoxe provides business solutions to the online communities as a bonus to their services. This compels majority of people or companies to regularly visit Sedoxe company’s blogs or websites and in the process they learn about the company. Inseparability is the fact that a certain demand can never do with a specific product or services. Both the companies supply food which forms basic needs of human. This keep the companies running on a daily basis since people require food to live. Variability is the essence of providing more than one service or products to the clients. The companies offer catering and business consultancy services to clients, regionally and globally through internet among other platforms. Perish ability is the ability of the companies to maintain their daily delivery schedule of products with short life span. They have inbuilt cooling systems in their delivery tr acks to keep the food fresh till it reach the clients’ destinations (Brown, 2010). Finally, the companies have no specific ownership of the business, what they do is to attract several associates to operate under the common brand name.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Hemingway Picasso Essay Example for Free

Hemingway Picasso Essay One of the greatest American writers Ernest Hemingway was born on 21 July 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. His parents were very strict and religious, they taught him a love of nature, outdoor life, music and art. He was really good at English and used to write for his school’s newspaper. After graduation, he didn’t go to college. Instead, he went to Kansas to work for a newspaper. A little later he went to the First World War. He couldn’t become a solider because of bad health. He was an ambulance driver and a war correspondent. He wrote a lot during WWI, Spanish Civil War and WWII. His most well-known books,† For Whom the Bell Tolls† and â€Å"Farewell to Arms† are about war. In spite of writing career success, he had problems in his personal life. Hemingway married four times, all his marriages failed. He suffered from depression and alcohol abuse. In the end, Hemingway killed himself with a shotgun.  The greatest painter of the 20th century Pablo Picasso was born on 25 oct. 1881 in Malaga, Spain. His genius was noticed in very early age. He started drawing before he could talk. Even his first word was a Spanish word for â€Å"pencil† â€Å"lapiz†. He was mad about art. His father was an artist too, but young Pablo could draw a lot better. His paintings often shocked people with their unusual elements. He could draw a portrait of a person using only geometric shapes. He changed many ideas about art around the world.  During his life he created over 6 thousand paintings, many of them are masterpieces known worldwide. Nowadays a work of him costs millions of pounds. He married two times, had four children. His last child was born when he was 68. Picasso died of heart failure in 1973

The Role Public Administration Play in This Modern Society Essay Example for Free

The Role Public Administration Play in This Modern Society Essay Public administration houses the implementation of government policy and an academic discipline that studies this implementation and that prepares civil servants for this work. As a field of inquiry with a diverse scope its fundamental goal is to advance management and policies so that government can function. Some of the various definitions which have been offered for the term are: the management of public programs; the translation of politics into the reality that citizens see every day; and the study of government decision making, the analysis of the policies themselves, the various inputs that have produced them, and the inputs necessary to produce alternative policies. According to Dubios Fattore (2009), the goals of the field of public administration are related to the democratic values of improving equality, justice, security, efficiency, effectiveness of public services usually in a non-profit, non-taxable venue; business administration, on the other hand, is primarily concerned with taxable profit. For a field built on concepts (accountability, governance, decentralization, clientele), these concepts are often ill-defined and typologies often ignore certain aspects of these concepts. Public administration is centrally concerned with the organization of government policies and programmes as well as the behavior of officials (usually non-elected) formally responsible for their conduct Many unelected public servants can be considered to be public administrators, including police officers, municipal budget analysts, HR benefits administrators, city managers, Census analysts, and cabinet secretaries. Public administrators are public servants working in public departments and agencies, at all levels of government. Every public officer charged with the duties of administration must therefore implant in his mind that secrecy breeds suspicion and suspicion erodes public trust. An administrator who has no trust of the public is like an administrator who has no authority to do what he or she has been appointed or elected to do. Accountability is important in the face of the truth that there is a need to make the work right, the truth that imperfections are a way of life and the truth that men tend to be consumed by greed, pettiness and desire for power and fame, and the truth that those who caused the work to be done not right must answer for his or her fault. Now, it is a way of life that those who want works that are not right are those who want their deeds hidden. With this reality, there ought to be a system that keeps accountability strong and invincible against these imperfections of life and, with more reason, against those who want to do not right by the impulsion of greed. With these principles in mind, the next challenge really of public administration is how to make use of the modern things offered by modern times. (Evardone) In answering this question, the best way is to know the fundamental governance principles that public administration is a result of the collective consent of the citizens to be governed and the fact that the world has gone too modern. The Definition of Public Administration Public administration, developed in the early 1900s, is a special field of study within the academic discipline of political science. It emphasizes the structure and operation of bureaucracies and organizations, including budgeting, personnel, and formal and informal internal controls. Some public administration programs include study of the special management skills required in governmental (as distinct from private) organizations. Its always hard to make a simple, clear and precise definition to academic subjects, this also happens to public administration. Scholars have long been trying to use a simple phrase to define it, but yet after nearly half century of hard work, it still remains in vain. Although making progress, a perfect phrase length definition is still in process. So what is the problem of defining Public Administration? Some think that its multidiscipline characteristics contribute to the absence of a common definition.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Complexes Of Cobalt In Different Metal Oxidation State Biology Essay

Complexes Of Cobalt In Different Metal Oxidation State Biology Essay Cobalt forms a complex since it has an empty valence shell orbital thus it is an electron pair acceptor. It can donate electrons from the ligands thus forming a coordination compound. Cobalt usually exists in two oxidation stable states usually the +2 and +3 and can also be in the form of a tetrahedral arragement and octahedral in the case of the Cobalt(II) oxidation state . Co(III) oxidation state can only form an octahedral arragement. Co(II) is one of the transition metals which can form tetrahedral complexes more easily . The energy levels of octahedral and tetrahedral of Co(II) have the least difference in energy.The magnetic moments of tetrahedral ranges from 3.89 to 4.7BM and that of octahedral complexes ranges from 4.7 to 5.2BM Co(III) oxidation state is not very favourable, this is because when it reacts with water it would quickly go back to the +2 oxidation state. When reacting with ammonia, cobalt(III) is more stable. The Co(III) can show also isomerism. Co(III) is expected to be paramagnetic but the cross over from high spin to low spin takes place at very long ligand field strengths and therefore it is more likely to be diamagnetic. Cobalt(III) complexes are described as kinetically inert and undergo ligand exchange very slowly. On the other hand cobalt(II) undergoes ligand exchange faster since it is liable.1 In this experiment ligand exchange is going to take place such that the ammonia molecule which is a stronger ligand replaces the water molecules in the cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate. In the second experiment the coordination around cobalt is changing from an octahedral to a tetrahedral complex. The different colours of these transition metals are caused by the excitation of the d electron to another d subshell. The 3d orbitals split in eg and t2g. This splitting enables the electron to excite from ground state to excited state. The size of energy gap of the excitation corresponds to the wavelength of the absorbance in the visible region of the spectra. Apparatus: Pasteur pipette, weighing boat, spatula, watch glass, measuring cyclinder, stirring rod, buchner funnel, stopper, heating mantle, weighing balance, beakers, thermometer, filter paper, ice-salt bath, flasks Chemicals Chemical Grade Brand Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate GPR N/A Ammonium chloride GPR BDH Hydrogen peroxide GPR BDH Ammonia GPR Timstor Hydrochloric acid GPR BDH Charcoal GPR N/A Acetone GPR BDH Pyridine GPR N/A Ethanol GPR BDH Method: Experiment A: Preparation of Hexamminecobalt(III) Chloride 6g of ammonium chlorideand 9g of cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate were dissolved in 13cm3 boiling water and 0.5g of decolourising charcoal was added carefully. The mixture was cooled to 0OC in an ice-bath and 20cm3 of ammonia was added, while keeping the temperature below 10OC. 18cm3 of hydrogen peroxide was added while the solution was being stirred rapidly and the temperature was kept below 20OC. When all the hydrogen peroxide was added, the mixture was heated to 60 OC until the pink colour disappeared. The mixture was cooled in ice and the precipitate was collected by filtration on a Buchner funnel. The precipitate was dissolved in a boiling mixture of 80cm3 of water and 3cm3 of concentrated hydrochloric acid. The charcoal was removed by filtration while it was still hot. 10cm3 of concentrated hydrochloric acid was added to the filtrate and the mixture was cooled in ice when crystals of hexamminecobalt(II) chloride were deposited. The crystalline product was collected on a Buchner funnel, then it was washed with acetone and dried in a vacuum dessicator. The yield was measured and the product was kept for inspection. Experiment B: Preparation of dichlorodipyridinocobalt 1.2g of cobalt(II) chloride was dissolved in 6cm3 of hot absolute ethanol. 1cm3 of hot solution of pyridine in 3cm3 of absolute alcohol was added slowly to the solution.This was carried in a fume cupboard. The solution was allowed to stand at room temperature for 15minutes and the product was collected by filtration on a Buchner funnel. The crystals were washed quickly with ice-cold absolute ethanol and the product was dried in a vacuum dessicator. The yield was recorded and the product was kept for inspection. Results: Experiment A: Mass of ammonium chloride=5.850g Mass of cobalt chloride=8.960g Mass of crystals of hexamminecobalt chloride=4.787g Experiment B: Mass of cobalt(II) chloride=1.204g Mass of crystals of dichlorodipyridinocobalt=0.000g Calculation: Moles of NH4Cl= 5.985 =0.112moles 53.49 (RMM) Moles of cobalt chloride= 8.960g= 0.038moles 237.9(RMM) Moles of Hydrogen peroxide= 6% of Hydrogen peroxide=20volumes 6 x 18= 1.08g 100 1.08g= 0.032moles 34(RMM) 1 CoCl2.6H2O:2H2O2 0.038 : 0.076 Therefore: CoCl2.6H2O is the limiting reagent 1:1 CoCl2.6H2O:[Co(H2O)6]Cl3 1 mole=267.3g 0.038 moles=? 10.16g % yield= actual yield x100% Theoritical yield 4.787gx100%=47.27% (percentage yield of hexamminecobalt(III) chloride) 10.16g Precautions: The vacuum at the flask was disconnected before turning off the water aspirator. This prevents water from being sucked into the vacuum flask. The suction of the vacuum filtration was checked so that filtration would be a success. It was made sure that the crystals would not remain on the sides of the funnel since a low result would be obtained. Prevention of excessive cooling during filtration was by suction through a flat piece of filter paper properly fitting a Buchner funnel. The solution was cooled to room temperature and sometimes even colder with the aid of an ice-water bath. Filtration was done using the Buchner funnel to increase the speed of filtration A heating mantle was used instead of a bunsen burner because ethanol is flammable. The hydrogen peroxide,ammonia, pyridine and absolute ethanol were quite dangerous and so they were performed in the fumehood. The crystals that remained in the beaker were not rinsed by distilled water since some of the product would dissolve. The solvent had to be cooled before washing the crystals since crystals could dissolve. Sources of error: Transfer errors when collecting the crystals formed by suction filtraton, since some of them would remain with the filter paper. Some of the substance was left with the glass rod during stirring which would cause loss of the product. The mixture was contaminated and so the yields were not sufficiently pure. Side reactions could have occurred beside the actual reaction which can lead to the generation of other products. Error in the apparatus especially the weighing balance. Discussion: Experiment A: Preparation of Hexamminecobalt(III) chloride When ammonium chloride is added to the cobalt(II) hexahydrate, it has a function to stabilize the ion.2 When dissolved in water the cobalt(II) chloride salt decomposes, resulting in the formation of the Co(H2O)62+ ion. Cobalt(II) can be oxidized by air oxidation to cobalt(III).5 When adding the ammonia solution the hexaammine complex is formed: [Co(H2O)6]2+ +NH3 → [Co(NH3)6]2+ + 6 H2O Ammonia is added to the solution to aid in this oxidation process. When adding ammonia the reaction would be exothermic and so the mixture is placed in a salt-bath to keep the mixture cooled. Hydrogen peroxide is used as an oxidizing agent thus oxidizing the Cobalt(II) to Cobalt(III). The decolourising charcoal is used as the catalyst of the reaction to give high yields in a relatively short time. The activated charcoal increases the speed of the reaction by helping in the formation of the bonds between NH3 and conveniently, it also catalyzes the transformation of Co2+ into Co3+ by the hydrogen peroxide. Thus it is used to increase the reaction of the ligand exchange. 2 The charcoal is made from finely divided carbon sheets which provide a large surface area. The holes on the surface of the charcoal are used to allow the reaction of the ligand exchange to take place. 2 The process for collecting the product involves the dissolving of the precipitate in the boiling water and adding concentrated hydrochloric acid to the precipitate, the hexamminecobalt(III) chloride. When heating the mixture directly on the hot plate while stirring, helps to dissolve the crystals. The filtrate should be orange, and it contains the dissolved product. 4 CoCl2Â ·6H2O + 4 NH4Cl + 20 NH3 + O2 → 4 [Co(NH3)6]Cl3 + 26 H2O 2 CoCl2Â ·6H2O + Â ½H2O2 + NH4Cl + 5 NH3 → [Co(NH3)6]Cl3 + 7 H2O 3 Acetone was used as the solvent so that impurities are removed from the crystals. When the solution was cooled, crystals of pure product were formed and the impurities remained dissolved in the solution. If the solvent was not cooled, the crystals may dissolve and result in a decrease of the percent yield. The solvent that is chosen has to have low solubility at low temperatures and high solubility at high temperatures. 4 Hexammincobalt(III) chloride is an ionic compound having three chloride ions with a charge of -1 and the cation having a charge of 3+ . Some years ago it was questioned whether the chlorine atoms in hexaamminecobalt(III) chloride were part of the complex or ionic thus they were free. Chlorine in this complex was indeed determined to be ionic. To verify this theory one can complex the cobalt iodometrically and so titrating the liberated iodine with sodium thiosulfate solution.5 The Co3+ is an electron deficient cation and so ammonia is capable of donating an electron pair to the metal ion in a coordinate covalent bond. NH3 is a strong field ligand thus there would be more splitting, ie. it is a low-spin complex. The yield of Hexamminecobalt(III) chloride was 4.787g which is a rather high yield if one is assuming that all of the cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate turned into the hexamminecobalt(III)chloride. The yield could have been better if there were no losses during the synthesis and also during the recrystallisation process. Hexamminecobalt(III) chloride absorbs light in the violet-blue-green region but reflects the orange wavelengths thus appearing orange. The ground state 5D would split into 5T2g and a 5Eg. 5 The ligand NH3 would have a weak field since it has four unpaired electrons. From the Tanabe sugano diagram one can verify that the ligand NH3 is of intermediate field strength having a Dq/B of 1.8.5 Experiment B: Preparation of Dichlorodipyridinocobalt In the second experiment the octahedral complex of cobalt(II) chloride hexaydrate is going to take a tetrahedral form.6 This complex is found to exist in two forms: a monomer with a formula of [CoCl2(py)2] consisting of a tetrahedral with cobalt 2+ as the central metal ion and the other one is an octahedral polymer [CoCl2(py)2]n.6 Polymerizes on standing CoCl2+ 2py→[CoCl2(py)2] ↔ [CoCl2(py)2]n 6 Blue violet Diagram of structure of dichlorodipyridinocobalt 6 Pyridine has an equatorial lone pair of electrons at the nitrogen atom in the benzene ring 7 and so it is able to donate the lone pairs to the metal ion cobalt(II). Pyridine and chlorine are monodentate ligands since they donate only one lone pair to the metal. When adding the hot absolute ethanol the cobalt(II) chloride would dissolve and pyridine would exchange with water ligands since it is a stronger ligand. Because a tetrahedral complex has fewer ligands and there are no ligands at the axis, the magnitude of the splitting is smaller when compared to the octahedral. Octahedral complexes would have large splitting because of higher repulsion.8 The difference between the energies of the t2g and eg orbitals in a tetrahedral complex is slightly less than half as large as the splitting in octahedral complexes. 8 From the results one can observe that the yield of the dichlorodipyridinocobalt resulted in 0g. This could be the cause of heating the alcohol and pyridine at high temperature thus evaporating some of them and so the synthesis would not occur as desired. The absolute ethanol could have melted the crystals so resulting in low yield of product. One source of error is that normal balances would not detect such low yields. Conclusion One can conclude that the aim of this experiment: To prepare two complexes of cobalt in different metal oxidation state was reached, such that relatively good yields were obtained for the hexamminecobalt(III) complex and dichlorodipyridinocobalt crystals were also obtained by in such a low yield that could not be measured.